Posts Tagged ‘depression’

2020 – Surviving the change – How being a chronic Optimist can kill the feint hearted

When I started this blog, I was freshly out of rehab.  Staying clean was the biggest of my concerns.  Within only a few months, the world as I had know it had turned on its head and was spinning like a b-boy.  I remember in the beginning there were many of us that said that this was a big hype for nothing, just flu, etc.  4 months into lockdown, here in South Africa at least, and we have the 5th highest infection count with massive irregularities in our death toll.
But what does this mean to me? To the rest of us?
I, like many across the world, started this lockdown by taking the extra time at home to meditate, learn something new, grow peace in the midst of a storm.  The novelty however died away.  I started working harder online again, kids went back to school and i was even lucky enough to find a love life💓💓💓.  I stopped watching the news and all was well…
But reality has an alarming way of surfacing just as my well constructed bubble of positivity seems unshakable.  
Trying to get into the job market again, in my new career of choice (i.e. Addictions Counseling), has now been challenged by the collapse of society as I had known it.  My bubble had not allowed me to really take in the full scope of the disaster that had befallen my beautiful country and world.   
Things have changed.  Addicts and substance dependents are in desperate need of help, but even at the lowest costs, bread and milk are a struggle.  Treatment Centers are at their wits ends at how to protect their current residents and patients, while allowing those that so desperately need help, a chance at a new life.
SAFE BUBBLE vs ‘REALITY’Am I sorry I had not faced the truth about the true state of economic collapse? A little, yes.  But what I have learnt is to find balance. There must be a balance between my Utopian beliefs where ‘all is as it should be’ and my incessant advice to ‘not worry – everything will be ok’ and the rude awakening when sometimes it just isn’t OK.
What can I do when it all falls flat?  Get the facts from an expert or someone you trust…  Addiction has shown me that too much reliance on myself, will inadvertently be my demise.  I learnt that today after thinking I had it all figured out and suddenly I realized I had been very wrong in my game plan.  I crumbled into a thankfully short-lived depression of tears and darkness, but did manage to reach out to someone that could give me more information and guidance on my struggle before thinking all was lost and contemplating jumping off a mountain… (depression and suicidal thoughts are real!)  I also reached out to someone that knows me better than anyone on a deeply spiritual level and had him guide me lovingly to see the less dark side of my situation.
In other words – I reached out to a form of wise counsel that I have put up in my life.  
I may be the master of my own destiny (or not) but I still need advisors in my life.  I fell into the trap of being a dictator within my circumstances – And we should all know that a dictatorship is never a good plan of action.  After stepping back, going to my advisors (even if they come in the form of career advice and amazing boyfriend) and getting a better perspective on my life, i once again have hope…  Not hope that it will all work out, but that I can navigate to at least the next step… then the next… then the next.
This new era of our world is a very very daunting experience my one take away from today is that even though we are still in a lever of isolation and quarantine, it is still vitally important to stay connected to those who can uplift you and guide you when times get tough.
Love and light…

 BY AMATEO RAMAY 11, 2015,

By Amateo Ra| Empaths have now been scientifically proven to be more prone to anxiety, especially social anxiety, as well as depression. To be an Empath means you have the intuitive ability to interpret other’s emotions. However, while interpreting these others emotions, it’s very easy to take them on and let them affect you negatively. Soon, anxiety and depression set in, and life gets way harder than it needs to be. Here’s how to prevent that vicious cycle.

Being Empathic means you have a very powerful gift, the ability to feel what other people feel and use that emotion for good. This can make you a better communicator, a proactive humanitarian, proficient at marketing or simply support you in being a person who naturally understands others needs and feelings.

All gifts that we possess as humans come with great responsibility. Being an Empath is no different.

So, what’s your responsibility? To move through the emotion that gets bottled up in your body.

Since we were children most of us were told to stop crying, be quiet, sit still and shut-up. When we expressed our emotions, we were told to cut it out. Years of this behavior leads to us stifling our natural expression, and in time we become disconnected from our True Selves.

While everyone needs to express their Emotions, Empaths have a much greater responsibility than others? Why? Well, they aren’t just processing their emotions, they are processing others emotions as well.

As an Empath, here are several big tips which will truly support you in preventing anxiety and depression, as well as make great progress in living a happy, healthy & fulfilling life.

1) Create Movement


I was once told that the majority of people have a backlog of unintegrated emotions and life experiences. The primary reason for that backlog? Emotional constipation.

People simply aren’t giving themselves permission to healthily channel and express the emotions that need to move through their bodies. There is a compounding effect to this emotional constipation. Once layer after layer of social anxiety and depression stack up on top of each other and are programmed into our mind & body, life becomes a constantly threatening avalanche of downward spirals.

The solution? To Express Emotion = Energy in Motion

We have to be willing to actually live our lives, and that starts by being brave enough to feel. Ever notice when a friend of yours who is depressed stays in bed watching dramatic movies or tv endlessly. Why? Well, they are secretly craving the emotional expression they are witnessing others have.

There are two ways to approach this. Create motion in your life by exercising, going on adventures or simply mixing up the monotony of your daily life. The other way is to literally practice creating a safe space to express your emotions, which I talk about in the next tip…

2) Practice Catharsis

The actual very definition of Catharsis is the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. It’s worth sharing this is a scientific, psychological understood principle, not just pseudo-spiritual science bs.

Here’s the thing: Repressed Emotions  = De-Pression

The more repressed emotions you are dealing and contending with, the much greater likelihood that you’ll be dealing with depression. The Cure = Expression

Catharsis can happen naturally or can be provoked. Anytime you are crying, screaming, shaking or even lots of laughing, you are releasing. The idea is to become more comfortable at releasing. One way to do that is to provoke catharsis and emotional release.

When I do this, I like to have a private space all to myself. Sometimes it’s in the car, bathtub or alone in my room. I like to cleanse the space and say a little intention. Then I start shaking, tapping pressure points (EFT), and simply start allowing my emotions to rise up and move through my body. Sometimes I weep or get really angry, experience immense joy, and usually it’s a combination of it all. Try it for yourself!

3) Talk to Your Emotions


Did you know there is something called Emotional Literacy? Literally, there is an entire science developed to the ability to understand, interpret and relate to your feelings. In fact it was listed in as one of the core competencies in the book “Know Yourself.”

So here’s a big secret.  There is a firm limit on how far you can evolve spiritually and within your personal development if you’re not emotionally literate. This is especially important for empaths, as you aren’t just navigating your own emotional landscape, but you navigating everyone else’s as well. Better to have a map than be lost in the great watery depths.

Once you can identify and get to know your own feelings and emotions, you can start to create a dialogue. It could like like this:

“I feel angry & upset…Hmm, this is trying to show me something.
Anger, what are you trying to show me?
Oh, that I feel secretly sad. Why am I sad?
Oh, I am missing something..
What’s missing?
I am not getting enough time to be creative in my own space.
I need to be alone and be creative.
How do I feel? Better now. I’ll create that space tonight.”

You’ll be amazed at how much you can receive by simply creating a dialogue and asking questions to yourself.

4) Keep a Clear Container

Often our external reality can reflect our internal World. What we are feeling inside can manifest outward in our lives.  As an empath, you must be extra careful with this, as if you are taking on other’s emotions and internalizing them, then you can be seeing other people’s emotions governing your life.

Anxiety can easily come about when we are worried or uneasy about something, especially in the future. Often, this has to do to how we are relating with the natural uncertainty we have in our lives, which can lead to us feeling out of control.

To prevent these bouts of anxiety, consider the what things you are in control of….your internal self and your surroundings. So keep your internal & external space clean, clear & organized!

I start each day with cleaning my room and house, it symbolizes the inner-cleanliness I am working to maintain in my mind, body and heart. Whether the container is you or your own space, you’ll be so surprised how keeping things well maintained, can truly support keeping you level-headed.

5) Ask for Help & Energetic Support


Lastly, and often most important of all, ask for help. As an empath, it’s not just negative emotion that you are sensitive to picking up. I’d even dare say positive emotion is much more highly infectious.

To prevent anxiety and depression, become familiar with the triggers of when you feel like it’s creeping in. And when you barely start to experience that trigger, that’s exactly when you want to ask for help.

Remember, help comes in a lot of forms. For instance, calling your friend to let them know you feel an emotional funk coming on and you want some positive energy to uplift your spirits, so you go on a hike together. Boom, depression averted, and you go spend time in nature, which is a one of the best tools to prevent and treat depression and anxiety.

Also, as an empath, you are going to be extra-sensitive to energetic support, so remember you can call on your friends to send you prayers and blessings, and you can soak up that good energy to break through those walls.

Here’s to the upwards Spirals of You as an Empathic Super Hero!

Are your emotions getting in your own way? Often, the issue is Resistance. And if you learn how to breakthrough resistance, you’ll never be held back for too long. This eBook should help:

About the author: Amateo Ra is a Conscious Entrepreneur & Business Coach, supporting others build thriving brands & products to support humanity ascend to higher levels of existence. Amateo is also the founder of Creator Course, an Online School & Publisher for Conscious Living which is currently being built.

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